Thursday, August 7, 2008

Copied from ccm. i'm too lazy to write anything. xD

Tomorrow is 08/08/08, a very special date because an average person can only lived that day once through out their life time. Its like you gotta wait another 100 years before it can be like 08/08/2108, but with that one in the figure, it made 08/08/2008 even more special!*Chants the world with 888 fat fat fat 888 fatt fatt farrrrt... *Don't tell me 08/08/8008 is even more auspicious or 8/8/8888, like who will live until that day.And its Beijing's Olympic tomorrow! Commencing on the 8th of August 2008, at 8.08 and the 8th second. The opening ceremony is gonna be one hell of a blast! How i wish I could be there witnessing the entire process, but.. Oh well.
The nest!! The magnificent nest!!!Where the ceremony begins.
The National Swimming Center
The CCTV building with two towers leaning inwards has redefined thinking as to how skyscrapers can be built.Who is kind enough to bring me to Beijing :(*How come every time during ghost festival, the weather sure change drastically one? One day before chor-yat I remember the weather was so dry and hot can melt people that type but once chor-yat, the weather turned cloudier, and then rained.Is it really because of that "special occasion?" Lol I don't know :P but every year is the same.*Public transport in Malaysia - suck.Over the years, despite receiving so many complaints about the public transportation system in Malaysia, I don't see much action taken to improve it.Being a frequent patron, I don't understand why can't the authorities put more effort into improving their services, and fulfilling the hiking demand of customers as much as possible. Ever since the fuel hike, more people are taking public transports, but obviously the system is still incapable of fulfilling most of our needs.Take for example, in an LRT, i would suggest you not to sit if you're short, or else when people started to squeeze among one another like tuna sandwiches, some random passenger's butt will stick to your face if you're lucky.And what is with the price anyway. A student wearing a school uniform is only allowed for concession price? How about other students who are not wearing uniforms, or when they want to travel during the weekends? How about college students, uni students? Aren't they students as well?Does that imply that students who wear uniforms are considered as "true" students, in order to avoid "fake" students from gaining benefit in terms of a lower priced ticket? Is that even necessary?Take a look at Singapore, all they have to do is to scan their card and then they will be given a concession price.Come la dear government, start investing wisely, not throwing a few million to the space just for the sake of obtaining a title which sounds a little like this:I HAS GONE TO SPACE, I IS MALAYSIAN! MALAYSIA BOLEH!
Posted by Benjamin Chuah at 5:54 PM 0 comments


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