Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Accident once again

It was just a bloody small dent, and he made such a big fuss over it.

today i had class from 10a.m. till 7p.m. withuot a bloody break of even like 5 minutes. tired like hell. bloody moral studies.. study for mat 7? i was sms'ing with hui yee and talking with angeline and jie lee throughout the three hours. and the teacher was like teaching definitions of moral, values, and other sohai stuff.
finally 7p.m. drove home. the carpark was practically empty when i reach it. everybody gone back. reached loke yew. was lost in thought. cb, didn control my brake well and knocked the front car. LITERALLY, i knocked it only. not crash. the dent as a maximum of 2 cm deep, a dent so small that unless u have light shining and showing the shadows, u would'nt notice it. NOT. EVEN. A SINGLE BLOODY CRACK CAN BE SEEN. and guess what? he said that the trunk hood was dented due to me. motherfucker. dun cin cai blame me la sohai. he wanted me to pay him 200 bucks for that idiot thing. mcb, i dunno how much it costs, but i have a memory that my mum once said that the whole saga back hood only costs around like 100++ max for a brand new one. brr. i gave him 150 in the end. actually i think he wanted more. i had around like 400 in my wallet at the time. darn. NEVER PUT LOTSA MONEY IN UR WALLET WHEN U ARE DRIVING. or not u will kena fuck by people. but luckily i had already took out 400 from my wallet a few days ago.. damn.. ornot that cb mayb wan me pay like 500 i think. he even used 激將法to try cheat more money out of me, and other things also. damn. fucked up now.


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