Thursday, June 24, 2010


I started work 4 days ago, and did some actual work starting yesterday. Had my first interview ever too.

Looking back, i realise how much i've grown this past year. Not in terms of height of course. :p

Certain people in my life, which i've once considered best friends, they seem to me like they're kids. Choice of words, they way they carry themselves, etc. I guess going overseas did change me a lil afterall. Comparing friends from uni and other friends, it's only when i realise exactly what had changed.

At work, i realise how some of my old friends 'act busy'. I guess it does make you feel awesome and important when you're busy handling something. I admit, i was victim to this thought back then. Now, everyone's actually busy, but they try not to look so, so that people around them dont feel 'pressured'? i guess. I was lying my head on the table while thinking how to write a certain program, then a colleague came over and told me "hey why are you so stressed? you need some help?" wow. i wasnt even trying to look busy. and i wasnt stressed of course. since then, i sat up straight all the way.

but i'm really quite proud to say that i do know people who havent been abroad, and yet they are very matured. heck, some of them are 1 year younger, but they act like adults. It's just rather sad looking at people who are 21, and still act like a kid.

meh. i miss days when i fight with people over nonsense. it's just gone. long gone.


Blogger Unknown said...

Some people can be 30 years old and still be immature. I think one thing I learned since college started (because my school has people who goes back to study after working) is that people don't necessarily grow more mature just because they grew older.

so how are you? (:

June 26, 2010 at 10:30 AM  

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