Just for the lolz
I realised that it has been ages since I last wrote anything. Am i losing my writing skills? Yes i am. I speak computer now and it looks like that
functionEatYou food mouthSize
| mouthSize > food = False
| let food = mouthSize
| ...
so on and so forth. I can barely write english now. I even have trouble writing a cover letter, forming a normal sentence. And it is bugging me.
I have this ego that reminds me that i am better than everyone else. And this ego is having a major injury lately. From time to time, i visit the blogs of my secondary schoolmates. Instinctively, I expect rubbish posts using broken english writing a post that pains me to read them. Sorry guys, but my ego takes over from time to time :P But i'm not here to flame. What i want to say is i'm really happy to find out that most of my friends back home wrote perfectly. In fact, way better than i do. Or even better than what i used to be. Sucks to admit, i'm losing out, even though i'm in UK.
So now, on this blog that no one reads, i sincerely apologise to everyone i've looked down before. Sorry guys. You guys proved to be more than a match to me. Keep up the good work. Go Malaysia. :)
lim he hui
how are you?
all the bestttt in sheffield (:
oh finally admitting you have a big ego eh? XD how're you doing? Write something la XD
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