Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Yesterday i'd done something wrong, and i finally felt how hard it is to say sorry when one is truly wrong and the other person is really dissapointed.
Last month i reformatted my computer. For like four times in a day. So basically everything was washed out. I lent Xiao Yan's harddisk to backup the files i wanted, then reformatted, again and again, until some problems were solved, ok done. I put back in the files i want.
Then i realised that my firewall will automatically turn itself off, and my WMP also will shut down after 3 minutes of usage. But the damage wasnt exaclty huge, so i didn do anything. Then my mum asked me to copy her pictures from India so that the camera has more space to take photos in Tasik Kenyir.
She also asked me to burn them into a CD, but at that moment, i dont have the programme to write CD's so i told her it's impossible for me to do so but it's safe to put it into the harddrive. I also told her that if she want them to be burnt into a CD, she can always go to the shops outside and get it done.
On the way to Tasik Kenyir, my mum asked me to delete all the photos in the camera to make space, so i did.
When we come back, my Comp crashed. This time, after 2-3 hours of usage, explorer will automatically shut down and will lag every half hour. So i decided to reformat again, but this time i'll only reformat C drive since all my registry are there. So i copied the files i want into d drive and thats that. I also copied my mum's photos into the D drive.
Reformatted again. 3 times this time. Coz eugene's disk disable my sound system and therefore i have to reformat again. Anyway, after it is done, i just left it.
Yesterday, my mum asked me to burn her photos into a CD. I opened the folder, and there's only around 10 photos left. WHAT THE HECK. i had around 3k photos there. And it's all gone. Besides, my whole o2jam offline is gone too. SOMEHOW.
Those pictures from India were my mum's best photos, since it's her very first try into manualling the camera. And it's all gone. She even said that she hated me. The fault wasnt entirely mine, but i understood the dissapointment. Thats why i held back my temper and stuff. My mum almost cried.
So many times i tried to say sorry, but it just cant come out. Although she forgave me, but i cant forgive myself..


Blogger ~HeXin~ said...

she said she hated you?! must had been very very angry... no other way of retriving the files? should just burn it for she asap since com isnt reliable at the moment. next time know lah. take care

April 12, 2008 at 7:39 AM  

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