Tuesday, November 11, 2008


How would it feel,
to like someone who is impossible for u to be with?
How would it feel,
to like someone who already has someone else?
How would it feel,
to see that someone being unhappy and you are powerless to do anything?

I see no future.
I see no hope.
I see things falling apart.
Things which that someone tells you.
And yet,
you have to answer while you are
conflicting against yourself,
to help that someone heal the situation,
and be once happy with someone else?
Or to help her get out of it,
so that you get a chance?

The 2 souls in you combat,
and when you reply that someone,
it always go both ways,
you always provide a choice for that someone,
to go either back to someone else,
or you.
Discipline is required to not get biased on either side,
to be equal, so that things may be whats best for that someone.
Does it matter if she appreciates?
Nothing more than that.
Because you can't hope for anything more.

To conflict with someone you love is torture,
to conflict within yourself is disastrous.

To love you is my choice,
and yet,
it's a sin,
against myself.


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